Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Water For Life or Rocawear?

Hip hop's President and CEO of Def Jam Records, Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter, is seen in this image walking through the roads of South Africa. With a model of one of his hoodies from his clothing line, Rocawear, Jay-Z has been captured around Africa appearing to be focused on more than just his Whater For Life campaign. This pushes forth my argument that Jay-Z may not only be devoting his time to the Water For Life project, but also to the South African look for his Rocawear campaign as well. Although Jay-Z has been successful with the Water For Life campaign, he also has a buzz from his Rocawear campaign that has both wardrobe and photos pertaining to African culture.

Jay-Z has a video/diary that shows the struggle in which young African children go through pertaining to trying to get healthy and clean water. Research says that nearly two million children die from unhealthy water and inadequate sanitation. This caused Jay-Z to get involved with this issue that is big in Africa. He states, "It’s the most basic element on the planet. It gives life to everything and it’s seemingly plentiful. But more than a billion people can’t get clean water for cooking, cleaning and bathing. 2.6 billion people don’t have access to adequate sanitation and 2 million children die every year from diseases caused by contaminated water." Jay-Z show his concern by teaming up with MTV and UN, in which he manages to tour several developing countries meeting with young people who do not have access to clean water. The campaign itself is a successful operation, but as my argument states there might be another reasoning behind his visits through the continent. Africa was one of the rapper/entrepreneur's tour stops and he says that at his stay there he was struck at how many of the world's poor lacked such a basic necessity. Did Jay-Z actually see the need of this continent or did he see a good advertising establishment? This would be a good rhetorical question to be asked to those who really may not know which to beleive.

In this image Jay-Z is presented as a leader of the young african communtiy where he has children following behind him. It is a known fact that the rapstar is a Godfather in the HipHop world, but it appears that he also wants be recognized as a top icon throughout Southern Africa. Not only does the picture present this type of image, but he is also wearing his Rocawear clothing which appeared in magazines for his company's advertisment. Jay-Z stairs into the camera, while the youth following behind and along him stair away. Noticing this in the image it makes the thought of Jay-Z seeing where he is going with his Rocawear campaign while others stair away withought the knowledge of what is going on in order to sell his product. He may have good intentions with is Water For Life campaign, but as some Europeans used highlights on Africa in order to sell a certain product or image he his doin the same.


  1. This is a really good analysis/background of the image. The image surprised me when I saw it for the first time because while Jay-Z's Water for Life project may be charitble, he is also using it for his own economic benefit. He is using the classic view of "poor Africa" to advertize his clothing line. If he were truly concerned about the well being of the children in the photo would he really feel the need to be repping his Rocawear line?

  2. I really like your argument for the dual purpose of image. You mentioned how Jay-Z is looking directly into the camera while the children are looking away and in different directions. This is a great example of how he is putting the emphasis on himself and I would also like to point out the contrast of his clothing with his surroundings, making people focus on him.
    I was wondering whether the children in this picture were wearing Rocawear brand clothing too, if they are then this pretty much qualifies as an advertisement for the brand.
    Also, notice how the children surround Jay-Z, however they are mostly cropped out.

  3. I also think the the image of the world that he chose to put on his Rocawear jacket is interesting. It looks like the image of the earth at night, which shows which regions of the world have electricity because those parts are lit up, but the jacket shows the contrast b darkening these regions. Africa is not darkened except for South Africa and this seems to point out what Africa does not have once again.

  4. I find it interesting how you point out that Jay-Z is "touring" Africa for his Water for Life Campaign. This takes away from his efforts and image of him actually caring for the people rather than himself. "Tour" places emphasis on the idea that he is there for a leisurely trip or for promoting his music (company).

  5. I wonder if we might see the Rocawear and the Water for Life campaign as a symbiotic relationship rather than a parasitic one. Sure, doing good things for South African children raises his profile and the brand's profile. BUT if his profile is big, then he has more power and money to leverage when it comes time to help others. Does anyone know if any of the proceeds of this Africa-inspired line went toward Water for Life.

    By the way, I kind of want that hoodie. If anyone sees one on ebay, let me know.

  6. I think that even though he is using the image of Africa to profit, he was in fact trying o help. I think that it is really interesting that he chose children wearing uniforms to be in this picture, instead of dying orphans in a horrible looking hospital. I think that his intention in using these children was to show an Africa that is "trying" to improve. He chose a really friendly image to call for the attention of Americans, especially concerning his "water for life project". I think that he is a savvy businessman that is trying to help the people there, but still uses every chance that he has to profit.
